White Butler / 白執事

Duration: 1:49:55 Views: 33K Submitted: 8 years ago
Description: "Please tell us what you are, your master." Whether selfish master or Wakasa's impossible task, the beautiful butler · Nago can clear ... ?? Episode 1 Under the selfish prince / Waza who has broken off the heads of several deacons, a butler, · Nago It boasts a beautiful appearance for the first time. How does Mr. Nagiso stand up to Masumi's unrelenting unreasonableness? Episode 2 Wasimi who forgave himself left all his body to Nago. Two people who love each other 's body and love each other while relaxing time flows. Episode 3 Two people of "red thread" came back! Even the days of rest are fleeting, a father in the singing house visits one day, a tragedy starts. 「何なりとお申し付けください、ご主人様。」 わがまま主人・和真の無理難題を、麗しき執事・薙斗はクリアできるか…!? Episode 1 何人もの執事の首を切ってきたわがまま王子・和真の下へ、類まれな美貌を誇る執事・薙斗が初出仕。 和真の容赦ない無茶振りに薙斗はどう受けて立つのか…!? Episode 2 気心を許した和真がその体をもすべて薙斗に委ねて…。 ゆったりとした時間が流れる中、お互いのカラダを慈しみ、愛し合う二人。 Episode 3 『赤い糸』の二人が帰ってきた! 安息の日々もつかの間、ある日奏の家にかなでの父親が訪れ、悲劇が始まる…。
Categories: Asian Gay Movies